Yesterday was Art's last day of work at Twin City Foods in Ellensburg. He had been struggling all week with this new phase of his life, but on the day of retirement he was fine. He did not know that several of his friends were coming to town to stand outside of his work as he walked out the door that last time. Both of our sons, Matt (just fresh home from Holden) and Tracy were here to join the fun as well.
By 4:30, the time he was to get off of work, we had about a dozen people assembled outside the door. As workers filed outside of the plant they would look at the group of us and give us the strangest look, then they would remember Art and a shy smile would form as they moved on out of the door.
Art who is never the first one out the door, was still inside as more and more people gathered to see his exit. I turned around to see three of his bosses were standing behind us. They had noticed us outside and came to join in.
Finally he comes out and we all cheer. He is all smiles and joy. We had beer in the car but decided to go to our house to drink it. Everyone moved to our back yard to enjoy a celebratory drink with Art, his family and friends.
About 6pm we ventured to the Tav for dinner. I was so tired that I could hardly converse much over dinner. This week of cleaning, packing, working, painting, company and retirement has worn me out.
We are down to 3 more weeks until we move to Holden.