Friday, August 29, 2008

Bears, Bears, Bears

The cool spring, late in coming summer and the now seemingly early fall has played havoc with the berries and other “bear food”. This summer the village is having a huge bear problem. They are everywhere and trying to get into everything. When we got off the boat there was a lanky young bear lad calmly striding just behind a group of unknowing folk waiting for the boat.

Our first morning, at 6 am I heard a shout and fast footsteps and by the time I got to the bedroom window, I just caught a young woman chasing a young bear up the hill. It was like she was shooing a stray dog out of the yard.

This morning on my morning walk I spied this on by the compost and later in the day chases the cutest young cub out of the village. He was so cute!! I really like bears.

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