Friday, September 26, 2008

Highly Educated Workers

One morning at breakfast, a woman said that Holden has the highest educated manual laborers in the world. I believe this to be true. This young woman is working on her PHD and is a cook here at Holden. Our post office person is a retired English teacher. Our laundry person is an RN. We have preachers, teachers, doctors and many other professionals coming and going every day. Pianist's, violinists, choir directors and artists come for sabbaticals. My all time favorite was Peter Mayer, Jimmy Buffett's lead guitarist who came for a week.

This week Art developed an ear infection and he was seen by an RN, a general practitioner and an ENT (ear nose and throat doctor), who is a 79 year old maverick here. The mavericks are the ones with all the muscle. They unload luggage and groceries, pack in wood to the chalets and pack the snow down into paths all winter long. This man works hard all day long and is always open to doctoring those who need help. Tonight a man cut his finger and our ENT doc jumped up from dinner to stitch it up for him. We all work hard to serve others here and by doing this we have the time of our lives.

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