Wednesday, September 10, 2008

Life in the Wilderness

Life in an isolated area can be difficult at times. The power goes off frequently and we have a flashlight on every table and we don't leave the laptop on in case of a sudden power surge. When the power goes out at night, the darkness is both awesome and over whelming. The stars are bright but there is no other light to mark a path or guide one on your way home. When we first got here we had to find nightlights for the bathroom and bedroom. Things are so dark that a trip to the bathroom at night can do you in.

Since we have been here 2 people have been hurt. My friend Lydia, after way too long in a hot tub, fainted and did a face plant into a bunch of rocks. She was touch and go for a day or so. She had a concussion for sure and so we took two hour shifts with her to make sure she was alright. I slept in her room the second night just to keep tabs on her. If her injuries were more serious she would have been on a helicopter ride out of here. Her face looks bad but she will heal.

Also today, I had gone down to the lake for a dip in Lake Chelan when a call came in on the radio. The high school was out on a hike and one of the boarding students fell and twisted her ankle. The teacher had to carry her out to the bus and we drove her back to the village for first aid treatment.

In many ways this is my dream situation. I plan to be trained as a wilderness first responder and I want to learn all I can about emergency first aid. In some other life I must have been an EMT.


Anonymous said...

Your explanations are great. Keep up the good work!!! It makes me feel like I am experiencing your "year" with you guys.

lwise said...

You were an angel of mercy, Joan. Many thanks for all your care and attention. I still don't remember what happened, but my face is slowly healing.