Saturday, December 6, 2008

Catching Up

Hi Everyone,
We have been busy and we took a fast trip home to Ellensburg earlier in the week. This post is just a quickie to catch you up on village happenings.

The Saturday night after Thanksgiving was Tropical night in the village. The party hosted by the utilities people, turned our jacuzzi into a Hawaiian paradise. Below is Nancy fixing drinks just before the party began.
The throngs of people in swimsuits soon turned the area into a crowded steamy mass. I caught this shot just before it all began. Art and I were fighting colds and so we did not get in the tub.
After coming back we had Elli, our cute 9 year old neighbor over one evening. Her mom and dad had a date weekend out of the village and so we played games and watched movies.

As you know, Holden Village generates its own electrical power from Copper Creek. Last evening a tree blew down and took out 1/3 of our power. Below is Mark high up a pole replacing the old wire with a new one. We were without power for about 12 hours. It can get a bit chilly up here with no power.

Today was my birthday and so I took the day off work and took a long walk. It was unusually warm (what is up with this weather??)
It is difficult to understand the lack of direct sunshine here in the valley. I caught a photo of the sun just as it was beginning to peek out behind Buckskin Mountain. We are down to about and hour and a half of direct sunlight per day. I really don't mind it all that much. Several of us take a break each day to sit in the sun while it graces us with its light.

I shot a quick image of the new Yurts that the village put up about a mile up the valley. I hope they can with stand the heavy snows when they come.

Lastly, winter here so far has been a disappointment for many. So little snow and too much ice. A friend of mine slipped fell yesterday while walking across the icy road. We are all praying for fresh snow to give us back our winter wonderland. The road shown below is beginning to melt and will refreeze to an ice rink by morning.

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