Tuesday, December 16, 2008

Kick Sledding

It is cold outside here, minus 3 when we awoke this morning and 7 degrees as I look at the thermometer now. It is cold everywhere,I know, but this is the time of year that I held a kernel of worry over before I came up to the mountains. Could I do both the snow, cold and dark in the depths of winter? I am proud to say, so far so good. One thing that keeps me going is my daily trips down the road on my friend "Sparkie", the Holden kick sled; which is like the sled end of a dog sled. I love this thing and it is a nice work out.

To ride it you put one foot on the runner step and "kick" with the other. The sled works best on an icy road. I get bogged down in snow. I kick down the road and walk it back up to the village. Getting outside and moving picks my mood up and helps me justify all the wonderful Holden food that I eat.


Rach said...

are you going to start giving rides?

Jeff said...

Look at all that snow. Woo hoo. It's been cold here in Sacramento too, but sure not that cold.

Debbie said...

fun fun ... can I ride it when I come visit?

Gail said...

How fun - like your own personal snowmobile w/o the engine!!