Saturday, February 14, 2009

World's Best Sledding

Holden has the world's best sledding hill, no traffic to watch, no buildings in the way, just steep and all down hill. Chalet Hill, as we call it, is about 100 yards long from top to bottom and is fairly steep. It runs from the top most chalet to the school.

We have had little fresh snow lately so early this morning our head maverick ran a snow cat up and down the hill to chop up the ice and make is safe for the kids to use this Presidents Day weekend. We had about 70 guests come to the village for a long weekend of recreation.

The visiting children love the hill and are on it all day long. They really pick up speed before it levels out at the bottom.

After a good ride down, they hike back up the hill for another run. Most of the time they make it to the bottom but everyonce in a while there is a crash on the way down.

If you click on the picture you can see a teddy bear on someones lap after the crash. Everyone was safe and went up hill for another try.

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