November has dished out some very strange weather so far this year. About ten days ago we got our first snowfall of about 8 inches. Oh the kids were so happy; so were the adults. Clean, white snow is so wonderful. Holden has the world's best sledding hill, Chalet Hill, as we call it. The hill is about 3 blocks long and goes at a gentle slope all the way down, ending at the school. By ten am that snowy morning, Olaf - our only kindergartner- sledded down the hill to school. By evening all of the village was out sledding until way after dark. We are on our way to winter we all said, or so we all thought.
Next November dished out four inches of rain which turned everything into slush over night. It rained so hard and so much that I was sure that we might have a landslide up the mountains. Fortunately the hard granite is used to harsh conditions and the mountain held.
Now today, we have 55 degrees and sunny. Now you must understand that we only get direct sunlight here in the village for a few hours each day - 11 am -2 pm right now. The sun stays hidden behind the mountains most of the time. Many of us plan our day around this noonish sun time. Today is was so nice that I decided to go all out and put on a T-shirt and shorts. Art caught a picture of me knitting on the back porch.

As I sat and knit, Olaf ,our cute village 5 year old, came over with his snow shovel and decided to do away with the last of a big snowball on the lawn. He tells me he likes winter best and that he can't wait to try out my sled which has runners and a steering wheel. To be honest, the sun is nice but we are all ready for the snow and the beauty that it will bring.
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