I promise this is my last post about hummingbirds. They are the noisiest, most obnoxious birds I have ever seen. They are constantly fighting outside our window. The comotion is worst just before dark; when it is hard to take a good picture Right now I have about 40 of these rascals buzzing outside our window, making such a racket that I sometimes think they have broken through the screen and somehow gotten into our living room. They buzz just like bees and add a chirping to it. They threaten each other constantly with physical poking pushing. If we ever let the feeder go dry, they bang on the window for more. What will they do when we are out tomorrow?
they'll bug me when you're gone
I laughed when I read this, although it seems you're not laughing about this all the time. What a life hummingbirds have.
send them over to Dave!
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