Art and I took a night away from the village and went down to Lucerne to camp with friends. Our plan was to spend the afternoon looking for Morel mushrooms. In 2007 there was a fire on and around Domke Mt, which is near Lucerne. Morels will grow in mass amounts the first few years after a fire. I know that last year many people went down with success and so we thought we would try. We found them in bunches on slopes in the burn area. This is what they look like in the ground.

This is my bag of mushrooms that I gathered in about two hours.

Art is sitting with most that we gathered during our trek. Mushroom hunting is addictive, you just can't stop, especially when there are ones to be found. When we got back to camp, we sauteed as many as we could and ate them with both dinner and breakfast and then we sent our portion home to Ellensburg with our friends.
Yummmmm! Kevin will be so excited! Thank You! Tracy will be bringing them to the library for me. Miss you both!
Morel picking is addicting, as you've probably realized. I won't soon forget the thrill of crawling around on ones hands an knees or just sitting there staring at the same patch of ground until one suddenly sees a mushroom- or a group of mushrooms that didn't seem to be there a second before.
I was just at whole foods and noticed how EXPENSIVE the morel mushrooms are. wow.... and you got them free and picked them!
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